9 form
Тема: Усе залежить від людей!
Мета: ознайомити учнів з екологічною ситуацією у світі й
підкреслити необхідність захисту довкілля; активізувати вживання ЛО з теми в
ситуаціях, подібних до життєвих, та формувати навички вести бесіду про
екологічну ситуацію в світі та захист навколишнього середовища; вчити учнів
працювати в групах та парах; розвивати комунікативну компетенцію учнів шляхом
використання автентичних матеріалів; розвивати пам'ять, мовну реакцію, уміння
логічно, послідовно висловлювати свої думки іноземною мовою; виховувати в дітей
любов до природи і дбайливе ставлення до неї.
Обладнання: робочий зошит, тематичні
малюнки, картки для роботи в групах та парах, текст для читання в групах
Хід уроку
І. Початок уроку
Greeting and aim Повідомлення теми, мети уроку
morning, my pupils! Glad to see you! Is anybody absent today? Are you OK? Are you ready
to speak and do your best at the lesson? OK? That's nice of you!
people are concerned about the ecology today. Why? What do you think?
Do you agree with me that our ecology is in danger?
Well, today we're going to speak about the problems of
our ecology and you will try to find the ways to solve these problems . The topic of our lesson is "It's up to
( Учні
реагують на репліки вчителя та відповідають на запитання).
Lead - in Введення в
іншомовну атмосферу
Phonetic drill
Фонетична зарядка
Colour is the Sun?
What colour is the sun? The sun
The sun is warm.
How does it feel?
The snow is
What colour is
snow? The snow is white.
The sun feels
How does it feel?
The sun feels
The sun feels
The sun feels
The snow is
Warming up
Conversation T- Pupils Бесіда
в режимі вчитель - учень
- I'd like to ask you a question: look at the
window- is the weather nice today?
Can you describe it?
Can you describe it?
Ps: Yes, the weather is good. The air is
clean. But the streets are very dirty/It's wet and slippery.
Do you like walking on
the clean and green streets? Do you enjoy drinking fresh water?
Do you like to breathe fresh air? - Of course, you are!
All of us like clean air and fresh water. How
do we call all the world around us?
Ps: We call it — our
Teacher: Yes, you are right!
What's the problem did we speak about last lesson?
About environmental problems
and pollution.
- What are the environmental problems? ( Учні називають проблеми довкілля
та можливі причини їх виникнення).
та можливі причини їх виникнення).
Check on homework
учнів про правила поведінки на природі
II. Основна частина уроку
Vocabulary Practice Активізація ЛО з теми уроку
Group work Робота в групах
Match the words
with their definitions
1. Environment
a) animals, plants growing in natural conditions
organisms physical and biological surroundings, all around us
c) warming of
temperatures around the world
4. Wildlife
aspects of the weather such as temperature rainfall, light, air movement
5.Global warming
e) animals or
animal life
6. Climate
f) plants or
plant life
7. Smog
g) smoky fog
8. Farmland
e) land used for
( Учні читають слова та з'єднують їх з визначеннями)
lb, 2 є, 3f, 4а, 5с, 6d, 7g, 8e
We live on the earth. It is
very, big. There is a lot of water on the earth. It is in rivers, lakes, seas
and oceans. There are a lot of forests and fields, hills and mountains on it. Different animals live on the
earth. Different plants grow on it. The earth is beautiful.
People must take care of
Earth. Our ecology becomes worse and worse with every new day. Many species of
animals and birds are disappearing nowadays. People destruct wildlife, cut down
trees to make furniture. They forget that people can't live without trees and plants, because they fill air with oxygen.
And, of course,
great problems are population and animals destruction. The main reason
of pollution is rubbish. Another way to get rid of rubbish is to burn it. The
fires make poisons, which go into the air
and pollute it. But pollution isn't the only actual problem. Every day a
big number of animals disappears . People kill animals
for different aims: e.g. people hunt whales for their meat and oil; elephants
for their tusks, crocodiles for their
leather and so on. And also animals are used for medical experiments. The most wide
- speared from such animals are
monkeys. Modern life is bad for animals, birds, fish. The air isn't fresh and
the water isn't clean. You can find their names in the Red Book.
Today, our planet is in
serious danger. Acid rains, global warming, air and water pollution, overpopulation are the problems
that threaten human life on Earth.
Who is
to blame for the disaster? The answer is simple: all of us. Our forests are disappearing
because they are cut down or burnt.
The seas
are in danger. They are filled with poison: industrial and nuclear waste.
pollution is another serious problem. Factories emit tons of harmful chemicals.
They are the main reason for the greenhouse effect and acid rains.
It's not too late to solve these problems. We
have the time, the money and even the technology to make our planet a better,
cleaner and safer place. We should plant trees and create parks for
endangered species. We should recycle litter. We must support green parties.
Together we can save the planet.
are a lot of special organizations, which try to save our nature. The most
known are: The Royal Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals (The
RSPCA), the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Greenpeace. And now Greenpeace is a
world-famous organization, which saves plants, animals and people. These
organization, want to rescue animals, to help them to survive.
We must save wild animals. And we must
find the right way to save land, people and animals. We must take care
of nature, because we are part of it.
3. Post- reading activity Етап
перевірки розуміння прочитаного тексту
Discuss the text using the phrases:
I think...
For example....
That's why...
- Ask and answer some questions to the other
( Групи складають
запитання одна одній та дають на них відповіді. Вчитель може поставити учням
уточнюючі питання, контролює правильність відповідей).
Where do people live?
Why ecology becomes worse with every new day?
What is the main reason of pollution?
Why a big number of animals disappears nowadays?
Who is to blame for the disaster? (all of us)
Why the seas are in danger?
What is the main reason for the greenhouse effect and acid rains?
Are there any special organizations which try to save our planet?
Who must take care of nature and why?
- So pupils, what
should we do to save our planet Earth?
Speaking Acting out a dialogue Розвиток навичок говоріння
Pair work Робота в парах
Work in
pairs. Talk about the environment you live in. Act out the dialogues as in the example. Use the
phrases from the box. Start like this:
A: Look! There's so much litter in the streets!
B: You are right. People throw away the litter and they don't think
about the others.
They can just say that there
aren't enough waste bins in the streets.
A: To my mind, to throw a candy wrapping in the street or to carry it to
the nearest
waste bin is the question of the person's culture. As for me, I never
throw litter in
the street. When I see somebody littering, I always ask this person to
pick up the
rubbish that has been thrown
B: Some people usually throw the
rubbish in the yards, corridors of the houses.
A: But we shouldn't do this. Do you know that a plastic bag stays in the
ground for
B: For example, a glass bottle stays in the
ground for 1,000,000
years. A: It is awfully!
В: І think
we must think about our future! We should use less plastic package and
clear away the territory. A:
In my opinion, to keep our planet clean we should plant more trees, flowers and
to use less chemicals to avoid air and soil pollution and health
pollute the air with fumes of cars, to use
dangerous chemicals at home and in the garden, to use plastic package, to make
fires in the parks and woods, to cut down the trees, to throw the litter in the
streets (yards, corridors of the houses), etc.
to use
bikes (public transport) rather than cars, to use less chemicals in the gardens
and at home, to use less plastic package,
to clean away the territory, to put more waste bins, to plant more
trees, flowers, etc
III. Заключна частина уроку
Homework Скласти діалог про забруднення
довкілля в твоїй місцевості
WB Ex. l,p. 32
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