9 form
Тема: Проблеми
Мета: активізувати лексичний матеріал теми
уроку; практикувати учнів в аудіюванні; вдосконалювати техніку читання;
продовжувати вчити учнів працювати в групах та парах; розвивати навички усного
мовлення; розвивати слух, пам'ять,
увагу; виховувати почуття соціальної
відповідальності та дбайливе ставлення до довкілля.
Обладнання: картки для роботи в групах та парах, тематичні малюнки,
роздавальний матеріал, відеокліп пісні Майкла Джексона, сигнальні картки
Хід уроку
Початок уроку
Greeting and aim Повідомлення теми та мети уроку
: Dear children!
I'm glad to see you today!
How are you today?
I expect you will be hardworking and active at this
lesson as usually.
T: Look at the blackboard. There is an exhibition which is devoted to the topic “Enviromental
problems” . Today we are going to continue discussing this topic.
I’d like to start our lesson with the words of great philosopher the Dalai Lama “Mother
Planet is showing us the red warning
light – “be careful”- she is saying. To
take care of the planet is to take care of
our own house”.
Do you agree with this quotation?
P:Yes, our planet is in a danger. The problem of
pollution has become more important today. Using automobiles and other machines
made pollution worse. Air, water and soil are necessary for existence of all
living things. But polluted air can cause illness, and even death. Polluted
water kills fish and other marine life. We must help our planet.
Phonetic drill Фонетична зарядка
Jazz chant
Alligator Pie by Dennis Lee
Divide the class into six groups.
Alligator pie
Alligator pie
If I don't get some
I think I'm gonna' die
away the green grass
Give away the sky
But don't give away my alligator pie.
If I don't get some
I don't know what I'll do
Give away my furry hat
6 Give away my shoe
But don't give away my alligator stew
1 Alligator soup
2 Alligator soup
I don't get some
I think I'm gonna droop
away my hockey-stick
Give away my hoop
All But don't give away my alligator soup
Warming up Введення
в іншомовну атмосферу
"Crosses and noughts"
1. Something that can damage soils, trees, rivers, lakes ( acid rains)
2. The process of
making air, water, soils dirty (pollution)
3. Food, paper that
is no longer needed and has been thrown away (rubbish)
4. A place where the waste is buried under the ground
5. Money given to help people who are ill,
6. Rice, wheat, fruit that is grown by farmers and
used as food(crop)
7. Cutting down
trees, plants, forests(destruction).
8. Chemicals for farming cause it (water pollution)
9. All aroud you is…(environment)
Основна частина
навичок аудіювання
1. Pre - listening activity Етап підготовки
T: You
know, that people all over the world are
worried about our environment.
Many famous
people make their contribution to the protection of environment.
For example, Michael Jackson.
is Michael Jackson?
I suggest you watching
the video of Michael Jackson “The Earth
song” and be ready to answer the questions.
Учні дивляться відеокліп
3. Post – listening activity Етап перевірки розуміння прослуханого та
побаченого відео
Discussion the video Обговорення відео
- We have just seen the clip
and it is by chance and the reason why we have chosen the topic “Environmental
problems”. It is quite actual.
- What is the message of this
- How could you name this
real name of this song is “Earth Song”.
It was
first sung by M. Jackson on the Earth Day.
What problems did the singer pay attention to?
T: The “Earth song” music video was made shot on four
continents, all of which are in some form of distress created by men and his
technology. Locations include:
the Amazon Rainforest- a large part
of this forest, as sing in this video no longer exists. It was destined totally
destroyed within a week of this video shoot. The people featured here are
native to the region and are not professional actors; Croatia- the
scenes were shot in the war zone with residents of the area; Tanzania- this footage includes Masai in their own village. No
animals were harmed in any way during the making of this music video. Shock
footage of the actual inhumane treatment of animals was acquired from documents
archives. It should be noted that while filming was in progress an Africa elephant
(not pictured in the video) was killed by poachers within miles of the shoot
and New York- the forest fire scenes were created on a six acre outdoor
set in a corn field in Warwick, New York. The shooting of the footage occurred
within the same week as thousands of acres of forest on Long Island and New
Jersey were destroyed due to arson.
- Now I'd
like we sing this beautiful song.
(Учні співають пісню)
Reading Читання в групах
Group work
- Let’s divide into 3 groups
1. Pre – reading activity
Do you know anything about the Earth Day?
I want you
to find the main information about the Earth Day in your texts and answer these
1.When was the first Earth Day celebrated? 1 група
2.Who was the founder of this holiday? 1 група
3.When is it held nowadays?2 група
4.How many countries do in this holiday participate? 2 група
5. What is the symbol of this day?3 група
6. What is the aim of this holiday? 3 група
2. Reading Читання в групах
Group work
- Let’s divide into 3 groups.
(Вчитель роздає картки для групової роботи, кожна група
читає текст і знаходить відповіді на поставлені питання)
Earth Day
Many countries around
the world celebrate Earth Day.
It is a day that is meant to raise awareness and appreciation about the Earth's
natural environment.
The first Earth Day was held in the USA. It was
founded by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson .That was on April 22, 1970.
Denis Hayes, who was the original national coordinator in 1970, took it
international in 1990 and organized events in 141 nations.
Earth Day is now celebrated in more than 175 countries
including Ukraine every year.
The symbol of the Earth Day is the Ecology Flag. There
is a combination of two letters on the flag “E” and “O” taken from the words
“Environment” and “Organism” resepectively. People celebrate Earth Day every April
22 to show how much they care about the planet.
3. Post –
reading activity
T: Share the information.
people use the day to do projects that will help the Earth. Some meet to discuss how to limit pollution
and how to save endangered animals and
plants. Other plant trees, clean up
parks and beaches, or set up recycling stations.
1. The
first Earth Day was celebrated around the world *
a. True
b. False
a. True
b. False
2. The
celebration became international thanks to Senator Gaylord Nelson
a. True
b. False
a. True
b. False
3. A
few countries celebrate the Day
a. True
b. False
a. True
b. False
4. The
day is now coordinated by The earth Day Network at the international
a. True
b. False.
a. True
b. False.
(Учні піднімають відповідного кольору сигнальні картки)
Acting out a dialogue Розвиток
навичок усного мовлення
1. Pair work Робота
в парах
Work in pairs. Talk
about the environment you live in. Act out the dialogues as in the example. Use the phrases from the box. Start like this:
A: Look! There's so much litter
in the streets!
B: You are right. People throw away the litter and
they don't think about the others.
They can just say that there aren't enough
waste bins in the streets.
to pollute the air with fumes of cars, to
use dangerous chemicals at home and in the garden, to use plastic package, to
make fires in the parks and woods, to cut down the trees, to throw the litter
in the streets (yards, corridors of the houses), etc.
to use bikes (public transport) rather than cars, to
use less chemicals in the gardens and at home, to use
less plastic package, to clean away the territory, to put more waste bins,
to plant more trees, flowers, etc
III Заключна частина
Make project about environmental problems in your
village in groups
підсумків уроку
understand, that our home is in danger. Who is guilty of this disaster?
The answer is simple: all of us.
Our lesson is over. I’m sure
you are real friends of our planet. And I hope our lesson helps us to be more
active in the ecological movement. In
fact, we live only once and not a very long life and we have one Earth.
Remember the wise saying of a great English writer John Galsworthy who said:
“If you don’t think about the future, you will not have
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